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woensdag, 16 juli, 2025 - 09:00 to zaterdag, 19 juli, 2025 - 17:00
Osaka, Japan

EXPO2025 GISHW in Osaka, Japan from July 16 - 19, 2025 refers.


Attached the instructions for registration for the EXPO2025 GISHW in Osaka, Japan from July 16 - 19, 2025. 

IOHA's organization code is: H7RMF.


The PDF with practical information contains a link to book accommodation, as well as other details.  


Bezoek Lichtlabo Philips

maandag, 19 mei, 2025 - 12:30 to 17:00
Philips Lighting Application Center, Tech Campus gebouw 48, Holstlaan 1, Eindhoven

Het Lighting Application Center van Philips te Eindhoven laat de parameters van licht ervaren en beleven in de praktijk. Op 19 mei bezoeken we met VerV en BSOH de labo's voor retail, kantoor en logistiek. Tijdens de rondleiding krijgen de deelnemers een theoretische bagage van verlichting, maar kunnen dit ook meteen zien in de praktijk. Deze belevingstour is indrukwekkend en een aanrader. Schrijf je hier in!

Hot topics

vrijdag, 21 februari 2025 - 09:00 to 16:00
Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

BSOH Studiedag - Journée d'étude

Theme: “Hot topics”: Staying Ahead: Exploring Hot Topics in a Changing World.
In a rapidly evolving world, staying informed about hot topics is crucial to addressing emerging challenges in occupational hygiene.

This seminar will delve into critical issues such as indoor air quality, including the revision of ventilation standards and the importance of material emissions. The event will also cover pressing topics like the current situation with avian influenza H5N1, exposure to diisocyanates and the relevance of analytical method performance parameters for occupational hygienists — illustrated by respirable crystalline silica measurement. Additionally, the discussion will highlight occupational diseases.

Join us at the seminar on February 21, 2025, organized by the BSOH, to learn more. This unique event will be an opportunity to explore hot topics in a changing world and to exchange ideas and practices in occupational hygiene.

Registrations are closed.

PDC SOFHYT Approches statistiques

vrijdag, 14 maart, 2025 - 00:00

Formation continue sur les statistiques en hygiène du travail

En tant qu’hygiénistes industriels, nous portons la responsabilité de la qualité et de la robustesse de nos appréciations, conclusions et recommandations concernant les expositions professionnelles, notamment aux agents chimiques.

Or, il est pratiquement impossible de mesurer chaque exposition pour chaque travailleur durant chaque jour travaillé. Il est donc essentiel d’interpréter prudemment et consciencieusement les données disponibles.

A cet effet, une analyse statistique appropriée représente une approche de choix pour prendre en compte la variabilité des expositions avec des nombres d’échantillons limités.

Biosafety and Occupational Hygiene: Cross Perspectives on Biological Risks

vrijdag, 06 december 2024 - 09:00 to 16:00
Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

BSOH Studiedag - Journée d'étude

Theme: There is a growing interest in biological risks!

Biological agents can indeed be present in many sectors, not just in laboratories. Biosafety officers and occupational hygienists offer complementary perspectives on biological risks in the workplace.

What are their approaches? What tools do they use? What can we learn from each other?

Join us at the seminar on December 6, 2024, jointly organized by the BBP (Belgian Biosafety Professionals) and BSOH (Belgian Society of Occupational Hygiene), to learn more. This unique event will be an opportunity to explore how these two complementary approaches can be integrated to better prevent and manage risks related to biological agents in professional environments.

Registrations are closed.

Seminar: Occupational hygiene and health in the South African context

maandag, 18 maart, 2024 - 14:00 to 15:00
Auditorium (04.330), KU Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg, Onderwijs & Navorsing 4 or online via Livestream

The Centre for Environment and Health, Department of Public Health and Primary Care

invites you to

Seminar by Dr. Stefan Linde (North-West, South Africa)

‘ Occupational hygiene and health in the South African context'

Monday March 18th, 14h00 – 15h00

Auditorium (04.330), KU Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg, Onderwijs & Navorsing 4
follow online with Livestream

Knowledge of how occupational hygiene and health are practised in other parts of the world will make you look at your context differently. For example, some African countries where NWU is involved in projects do not have legislative exposure limits or requirements for sampling programs to measure exposure. How you function in this context to try and reduce worker exposure is different from how you function in a country where you have specific legislative requirements.

The talk aims to share the context, challenges, and opportunities in occupational hygiene and health in South Africa. Dr. Stefan Linde will also share some of the interesting projects OHHRI conducted in Southern Africa.

Entrance: free

Target audience: residents and researchers in occupational medicine or hygiene; Occupational hygienists and physicians; public health

Vlaamse Universitaire Studiedag voor Arbeidsgezondheidskunde VUSA 2024

donderdag, 16 mei, 2024 - 09:30 to 16:30
Leuven, BE

Respiratoire en dermale blootstelling aan chemische agentia: van risicoanalyse tot gezondheidseffecten

BSOH en VWVA slaan de handen in elkaar voor deze interessante studiedag. De exacte locatie in Leuven wordt binnenkort bekendgemaakt maar het programma is wel reeds gekend:
