BSOH webinar Carcinogens at the workplace – Legal framework, Limit values and Risk Assessment
Alle geregistreerde deelnemers zullen na afsluiting van de inschrijvingen een link naar de online sessie ontvangen.
Topic: Occupational exposure to carcinogens, mutagenic and reprotoxic agents at the workplace is the concern of every occupational hygienist. In order to improve the approach of the risk assessment of the workers exposure to CMR agents, it is important to understand the toxicology as well as the way limit values are established and taken into account in the legal framework.
13:30 | 1 | CMR agents at the workplace: European and Belgian Legal framework | Dimitri De Coninck (Advisor - coordinator laboratory for occupational hygiene - FOD WASO) |
14:10 | 2 | Development of the RAC opinions on occupational exposure limits under the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive | Tiina Santonen - Chief Specialist at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health – Työterveyslaitos |
14:55 | Pauze | ||
15:10 | 3 | Limit Values: European approach and challenges | Kris Van Eyck (ACV-CSC) |
15:50 | 4 | Additional requirements for CMR related risk assessments | Steven Verpaele (Managing director – Occupational Hygienist BeCOH) |
16:30 | End of webinar session |
Registration fee: free for BSOH members
Access: strictly reserved to BSOH members.
Access for non-members: become a member first.
Registrations from: registrations are open
Registrations until: registrations will remain open till the end of the webinar
Participants can join the webinar after registration using the link in the comments below
Registration method: For BSOH members: online, in the tab 'Register' of this page, as soon as registrations are opened.
Maximum number of participants: no limit
Languages: Slides in English. Speech in English, Dutch or French.
Webinar recording: De opname bevat de vijf presentaties van de webinar.
Organisatie: Jeroen Vanoirbeek en An Devriendt (IDEWE).
Contactpersoon: An Devriendt. Formuleer uw vragen en opmerkingen in de comments hieronder.
Next event: May 20th, 2022- 13:30 to 16:30 – Webinar: ‘Process generated carcinogens Part I’
Robert Emonds
vr, 11/02/2022 - 01:10
The webinar will start at 13:30
Registered participants can find here how to join.
Aurelie Maratta
vr, 11/02/2022 - 13:34
I didn't receive any link to
I didn't receive any link to attempt to the webinar can you help ?