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IOHA webinar on Non-Ionizing Radiation

ma, 30/10/2023 - 15:00 to 16:30

Dear [simplenews-subscriber:user:field_contact_voornaam_] [simplenews-subscriber:user:field_contact_familienaam_],
Dear BSOH member,

IOHA will be offering the webinar one more time on Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety-Overview for Occupational Hygienists on October 30, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., New York Time Zone. The webinar participants very well appreciated the same webinar offered on July 31.

Robert Johnson, with 30+ years of experience in Non-Ionizing Radiation, will present this unique webinar.

Please refer to the attached webinar information in English and Spanish and register early.

The webinar is free for all members of IOHA associations. The registration fee for industry-sponsored non-IOHA members is 85 GBP. Please encourage industry-sponsored participants to register for the webinar.

Register for the webinar  >>

Maharshi Mehta, CSP, CIH, FAIHA
President, International Occupational Hygiene Association
+1203 685 8808

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