OSHNET School Webinar on Occupational Hygiene Policies and Practices in Covid-19 Pandemic

do, 29/10/2020 - 17:00 to 19:00

Occupational Hygiene Policies and Practices in Covid-19 Pandemic

Date: 29th OCTOBER
: 18.00 CET / 19.00 Istanbul
: 2 hours

Moderators: Sergio Luzzi, Yucel Demiral

Presenter: Piero Lovreglio (AIDII - University of Bari)
A model for a global management of Covid-19 pandemic in a manufacturing multinational company: Experience and challenges

Presenters: Domenico Cavallo a Andrea Spinazze (Universita degli Studi dell'lnsubria (Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia - Como, Italy)
Covid· 19 outbreak in Italy Protecting worker health and the response of the Italian Industrial Hygienists Association

Presenter: Remko Houba (Dutch Occupational Hygiene Society (NVvA) a Netherlands Expertise Centre for Occupational Respiratory Disorders (NECORD)
Effectiveness of masks and potential role of ventilation systems in Covid· 19 outbreak

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