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BSOH webinar: Occupational hygiene in the Exposome context: are sensors the future for measuring?

vrijdag, 10 december 2021 - 12:30 to 15:00
Teams online webinar – due to COVID

Alle geregistreerde deelnemers zullen na afsluiting van de inschrijvingen een link naar de online sessie ontvangen.
Topic: Occupational exposures significantly contribute to the whole ‘exposome’ of persons. EXIMIOUS ( and EPHOR ( are two European projects of the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN,, with an extensive focus on how work exposures contribute to the holistic exposome. Both projects are involved in implementing/developing novel tools for occupational hygiene assessments, both for respiratory as for skin exposure, with a focus on particles, semi-volatiles and volatile compounds. In this webinar, we will present the EXIMIOUS/EPHOR experience of developing and applying novel occupational hygiene tools (dermal patches, sensors and imaging techniques) for exposure assessment in the exposome context.
Prijs: gratis voor BSOH -leden
Toegang: strikt voorbehouden voor BSOH-leden.
Toegang voor niet-leden: eerst snel lid worden
Inschrijvingen vanaf: woensdag 01/12/2021 00:00.
Inschrijvingen tot: niet later dan donderdag 09/12/2021 20:00
Inschrijvingsmethode: Voor BSOH-leden: online, in de tab 'Register' van deze pagina, van zodra de inschrijvingen geopend zijn.
Maximumaantal deelnemers: geen limiet.
Talen: Slides in het Engels. Spraak in het Engels.
Jeroen Vanoirbeek – Professor – Centre for Environment and Health – KU Leuven, Belgium
Anjoeka Pronk - Senior Scientist Occupational and Environmental Health – TNO, The Netherlands

13:30 – 13:35   Welcome Jeroen Vanoirbeek
Anjoeka Pronk
KU Leuven
13:35 – 14:00 1 The application of a low-cost sensor box for the assessment of working life exposures Eelco Kuipers TNO
14:00 – 14:25 2 Exposure assessment using spectral imaging techniques Carolina Blanch IMEC Belgium
14:25 – 14:50 3 Beyond particle detection: development of a sensor that analyses composition of particles Anjoeka Pronk TNO
14:00 – 15:00   Break    
15:00 – 15:25 4 Dermal exposure vs inhalation exposure: what is the relative contribution to the internal dose? Jeroen Vanoirbeek KU Leuven
15:25 – 15:50 5 Compounds in exhaled breath as non-invasive biomarkers of exposure Chad Schaber Owlstone Medical, Great Britain
15:50 – 16:00   Discussion and concluding remarks    

Webinar recording: De opname bevat de vijf presentaties van de webinar.

Organisatie: Jeroen Vanoirbeek en An Devriendt (IDEWE).
Contactpersoon: An Devriendt. Formuleer uw vragen en opmerkingen in de comments hieronder.

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