Endocrine disruptors in the workplace

Vendredi, 19 avril 2024 - 09:00 to 17:00
Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

BSOH Studiedag - Journée d'étude

Theme: Lately there seems to be more and more interest in the endocrine disruptors. The chemicals adjust or hormonal balance and are present in a wide range of sectors such as agriculture, construction, cleaning, textile production, beaty and skin care, recycling,… Legally they are mentioned right next to carcinogenic substances.
Where is this all coming from? Are these products dangerous? How can we recognize them? What can we do about it? Join us at the seminar to find out.

Seminar Director: Lucie Huyghebaert (Liantis)

Point of contact for questions and suggestions: events@bsoh.be

Fabian Lejeune (BSOH Chair)
Lucie Huyghebaert (Liantis, BSOH Board)

Program :

Time No Title Language Speaker Organisation
slides spoken
09:00   Welcome        
09:30 0 Introduction EN   Fabian Lejeune
Lucie Huyghebaert
BSOH Chairman
Seminar Director
09:40 1
The National Action Plan on Endocrine Disruptors (NAPED)
An action plan has been implemented in June 2022 in Belgium in order to decrease the exposure of the population and of the environment to endocrine disruptors. This action plan is based on the collaboration between the different competent authorities at federal, regional and regional levels, and with the stakeholders. Several types of actions are currently ongoing: preventive actions, regulatory actions and research-based actions. This first action plan will end in December 2026.
EN EN Sandrine Jouan, PhD FPS Health, Food chain safety and Environment
10:30 2
Van humane biomonitoring tot een gezondheidsindicator voor hormoonverstoorders in de Omgevingsrapportage
Ann Colles: beschrijving van de Vlaamse HBM door het Steunpunt Omgeving en Gezondheid
Caroline Teughels: gezondheidsindicator voor blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen voor Omgevingsrapportage
EN NL Ann Colles
dr. Caroline Teughels
Departement Omgeving, Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving (DOMG, VPO)
11:10   Break        
11:30 3
Identification and communication of endocrine disruptors: from REACH to CLP
How are endocrine disruptors identified in the EU? Where can you find information on endocrine disruptors?
With the notion of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC), REACH provided the first framework for identification and communication on Endocrine disruptors. The hazard class endocrine disruption is since 2023 added in the CLP regulation.
EN NL (EN) ir. Tine Cattoor Essenscia
12:20   Lunch        
13:20 4
Occupational exposure to endocrine disruptors : challenges, difficulties, and advices for preventionists and occupational physicians
(Expositions professionnelles aux perturbateurs endocriniens : enjeux, difficultés, et conseils pour les préventeurs et les médecins du travail)
With a definition of endocriene disruptors and its mechanism of actions we will discuss the possible health effects. With a small overview of the legislation and the sectors at risk we will discuss the sources of exposure. This will lead us to how companies control this group of Chemicals, which tools exist and which obstacles they might Encounter and how the occupational physician can approach this subject.
(Définition des pertubateurs endocrine Mécanismes d’action on toxicité et effects sur la santé. Législation Sources d’expositions – secteurs à risque Quelle approche dans les entreprises ? – outils et obstacles Quelle approche par le médecin du travail ?)
FR FR dr. Lorane Elias Liantis
14:10 5 Cas d'étude : Un perturbateur endocrinien dans du mobilier ? EN FR Emmanuelle Boilan, PhD Wakari
14:40 6 The difficulties of real prevention when looking at endocrine disruptors. EN NL Ing. Lucie Huyghebaert Liantis
14:55   Closing remarks EN   Fabian Lejeune
Lucie Huyghebaert
Chairman BSOH
Seminar Director
15:10   End of program        
15:10   Break        
15:20   General Assembly
Assemblée Générale des Membres
Algemene LedenVergadering
FR/NL   Fabian Lejeune
Tom Van de Voorde
Robert Emonds
16:30   End of meeting        

Inscriptions: au pus tard le 19/04/2024 09:30
Location: Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht


Seminar fee
freemembers of the Belgian Society for Occupational Hygiene (BSOH).
75.- EURfor non-members. Membership until 31/12/2024 is included.

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Attention: The BSOH seminar on Endocrine disruptors in the workplace is now at capacity. There are no more places left.
Registrants who are unable to attend are kindly requested to cancel their registration online in order to free up their place for others.


Bij deze wens ik mijn aanwezigheid voor de BSOH seminarie Endocrine disruptors op te zeggen, daar ik niet aanwezig kan zijn.
Ik heb het geprobeerd via de online registratie, maar het schijnt niet te lukken.


Je registratie is geannuleerd en je plaats is direct alweer ingenomen door iemand anders.
Heel hartelijk bedankt om verwittigd te hebben.

Is er zicht op wanneer we de presentaties van deze studiedag zouden krijgen?

J'ai beaucoup apprécié tous les exposés de cette journée. Vraiment super intéressants!
J'aimerais recevoir les présentations qui, me semble-til devait être disponibles.Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de prendre note de tous les exposés notamment ceux en néerlandais
Comment puis je en disposer
D'avance merci
Sophie Levert

 De presentaties zijn beschikbaar in de archieven.
Les présentations sont disponibles dans les archives.