Hand-arm vibration

Friday, 06 October 2023 - 09:30 to 16:30
Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

BSOH Studiedag - Journée d'étude

Topic: At a lot of workplaces, workers are exposed to hand-arm vibration. This is vibration transmitted to the hand and arm when using hand-held power tools and hand guided machinery. Hand-arm vibration can be a significant health risk wherever powered hand tools are used for significant lengths of time.

Moderator: TBD


09:30   Welcome    
10:00   Introduction Fabian Lejeune BSOH Chairman
10:05 1 Wat zijn trillingen? (N) Patrick Maeyaert ENMO
10:35 2 Hand-arm trillingen in het kader van beroepsziekten: aanvragen voor schadeloosstelling en preventie - Vibrations mains-bras dans le cadre des maladies professionelles: demande de réparation et prevention - (N+F) Michaël Duchene
Maarten De Ceulaer
11:05   Pauze    
11:20 3 HAV risk analysis - Strategy and methods (E) ir. Philippe Brux Modiva
12:10   Lunch    
13:10 4 La reconnaissance de l’arthrose acromio-claviculaire provoquée par les vibrations en tant que maladie professionnelle ir. Philippe Brux Modiva
13:40 5 Gezondheidsproblemen veroorzaakt door (HA-)trillingen (N) Prof. Jeroen Vanoirbeek KULeuven
14:10   Pauze    
14:30 6 Hoe omgaan met onzekerheden ivm trillingsmetingen (E) Patrick Maeyaert ENMO
15:30   Closing remarks Fabian Lejeune BSOH Chair
15:40   End of program    

Registrations: not later than 29/09/2023 00:00:00
Location: Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

Registrations are irrevocably closed.
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Formation CP Hygiene Industriel à CPFB