
Friday, 08 December 2023 - 09:00 to 16:30
Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

BSOH Studiedag - Journée d'étude

Join us for a comprehensive seminar tailored for occupational hygienists seeking to deepen their understanding of the pervasive issue of harmful noise in the workplace. In today's industrial landscape, noise-induced hearing loss and associated health issues are increasingly prevalent, making it imperative for occupational hygienists to stay up to date of the latest advancements in noise control and mitigation strategies.

AM: Fabian Lejeune (BSOH Chair)
PM: Emmanuelle Boilan (Wakari, BSOH Board)
PM: ir. Robert Emonds (BSOH Board)


09:00   Welcome    
09:30   Introduction Fabian Lejeune BSOH Chairman
09:45 1 Qu'est-ce que le son ? (NL) Patrick Maeyaert ENMO
10:15 2 Quels sont les moyens de mesure existants ? (NL) Hans De Wit ENMO
10:45   Break    
11:05 3 Les maladies professionnelles liées à l'exposition au bruit et leur impact sur l’individu (FR) Dr Benoîte Millet FEDRIS
12:00   Lunch    
13:15 4 Bruit : Analyse des risques et études de cas (FR) ir. Philippe Brux MODYVA
14:00 5 Nuisance sonore dans les bureaux ouverts : stratégie et mesurage (FR) Laurent Bilteryst CERTECH
14:45   Break    
15:05 6 EPI : choix, corrections sur les performances et communication embarquée (FR) ir. Philippe Brux MODYVA
15:50   Closing remarks Emmanuelle Boilan
Robert Emonds
15:55   End of program    

Registrations: not later than 06/12/2023 16:00
Location: Haute Ecole HE2B, Rue des Goujons 28, 1070 Anderlecht

This seminar is free for members of the Belgian Society for Occupational Hygiene (BSOH) and for members of the Belgian Ergonomics Society (BES).
Seminar fee is 75.- EUR for non-members. Membership until 31/12/2024 is included.

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