General Tools

Besides the specific information sources that are classified under the sections biological, chemical and physical agents, there are a number of other tools that might be useful to occupational hygienists. Below you can find some of them.

Professional literature New
Scientific journals New

Media library New

  • Medialounge of the FPS Public Health, the NIHDI and the FAMHP. Avenue Galilée 5, 1210 Brussels (near the Botanical Garden).

Belgian legislation

Flemish legislation

Walloon legislation

Collective Labour Agreements (CLA)

Governmental websites

To keep informed
Classical newsletters


  • Really Simple Sindication
  • RSS is mainly being used for weblogs, fora and newssites to keep you informed of the latest article/news
  • You are ahead of newsletters and publications
  • Often individual composing messages of a newsletter that will follow later
  • Example: RSS  sign on

Social media


Apps for your smartphone

  • AutoReply (Dutch) through Veilig Verkeer Nederland (Android)
  • EHBO (Dutch) through Rode Kruis Nederland (Android, iPhone en Windows)

Specific for occupational hygiene

  • ADR Dangerous Goods app through Beurtvaartadres (Android, iPhone)
  • AIHA IHCalculator through AIHA (iPhone)
  • Decibelmeter (Dutch) via FNV (Android, iPhone)
  • Noise indicator through Swedish Work Environment Authority (Android)
  • Gestis international limit values databank through DGUV (Android, iPhone)
  • Heat Index (OSHA Heat Safety Tool) through OSHA (Android, Blackberry, iPhone)
  • IHDig Industrial Hygiene Data Interpretation Game through AIHA (Android, iPhone)
  • Tuut (Dutch) through Vlaamse Milieuadministratie LNE (Android, iPhone)
  • (Dutch) (iPhone Arbo Apps homepage of Ronald Hoevers)